links for 2010-11-25

Rosetta Stone for Unix (tags: linux unix reference solaris tools cheatsheet)

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Perfect? Not really….

In summer, I had an interesting conversation with a colleague of mine, Jörg Möllenkamp. We analyzed performance numbers of IBMs 795 systems IBM published and were sure the numbers were a bit too perfect. Jörg mentioned this in his blog. So it is time for a quick review of IBMs scaling. They have published their… Perfect? Not really…. weiterlesen

links for 2010-10-28 – Web TV der Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar (HBK Saar) : Abendschön Stefan, 50 Joor Saarland (tags: saarland, video)

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links for 2010-08-12

821-0317.pdf (application/pdf Object) DEMYSTIFYING ENTERPRISE-CLASS SERVER VIRTUALIZATION (tags: Sun HP IBM Solaris AIX HPUX LPAR vPAR nPAR DynamicDomains LDOM Container) oracle_systems_strategy_update_fowler.pdf (application/pdf Object) (tags: Sun Oracle Strategy Update Fowler SPARC Solaris Solaris11)

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links for 2010-08-11

Oracle Details Upcoming Solaris 11 Release — Interview mit John Fowler über Solaris 11 und OpenSolaris (tags: opensolaris oracle solaris)

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links for 2010-08-03

Big Tech Problem as Mainframes Outlast Workforce – BusinessWeek Interessante Beobachtung über Mainframes: Die Mannschaft überaltert, und niemand kann die Dinger mehr bedienen… (tags: Mainframe IBM CA)

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links for 2010-07-23

devotion_to_duty.png (PNG Image, 638×247 pixels) (tags: comics humor sysadmin xkcd)

links for 2010-06-16

YouTube – Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy (tags: video leadership management inspiration socialmovements)

links for 2010-03-08

Ops Monkey: Linux memory overcommit Under the default memory management strategy, malloc() essentially always succeeds, with the kenrel assuming you're not _really_ going to use all of the memory you just asked for. The malloc()'s will continue to succeed, but not until you actually try to use the memory you allocated will the kernel 'really'… links for 2010-03-08 weiterlesen